Monday, October 11, 2010

National Bullying Prevention Month Is Here

Were you ever bullied as a child or teen? I was, and just about every adult I've talked to admits that they were too somewhere along the way. Did you ever bully anyone else? I did. I was mean to my younger brother and still feel guilty about it to this day. Bullying someone else is a harder thing for people to admit, but doing so can be the beginning of helping a child who bullies stop.

Bullying can be an ever-repeating cycle: the person who's bullied bullies the next person, and so on, and so on. And each person in the bullying cycle is adversely affected by it, including those who simply watch. Bullying can have a devastating affect all the way around, and as we've seen in the heart-breaking events of the past month, it's affects can be lethal.

So, what can we do? Starting now, starting today, we can bring the issue of bullying out of the shadows. Talk about it with your friends and family. If you're a parent, and you were bullied at some point, let your kids know how it affected you personally. Or if you bullied someone else, talk about that too. Or, perhaps you were affected by seeing someone else being bullied -- this is another important discussion to have. Whatever your experience with bullying, talk about it, and encourage your kids to talk about their own. Conversations like these can open many doors. They can provide you with knowledge about your child you previously didn't know. They can also open the channels of communication about a topic that remains hidden in so many kids' lives. And more importantly, conversations like these can enable you give your kids critical information about bullying.

Let's all take part in National Bullying Prevention Month by not only having these critical conversations, but by also speaking up on behalf of anyone who is bullied, discriminated against, or treated in a cruel manner. If more people had spoken out on behalf of Seth Walsh, Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, Justin Aaberg, and Tyler Clementi, the five teens who died this month in bullying-related suicides, they might still be alive today.

If your child is being bullied, take a look at this excellent information from Stop Bullying Now, a project of the United States Health Resources and Services Administration.

If Your Child Is Being Bullied
from Stop Bullying Now

1. First, focus on your child. Be supportive and gather information about the bullying.
                  Never tell your child to ignore the bullying. What the child may “hear” is that you are going to ignore it. If the child were able to simply ignore it, he or she likely would not have told you about it. Often, trying to ignore bullying allows it to become more serious.
                  Don't blame the child who is being bullied. Don't assume that your child did something to provoke the bullying. Don't say, “What did you do to aggravate the other child?”
                  Listen carefully to what your child tells you about the bullying. Ask him or her to describe who was involved and how and where each bullying episode happened.
                  Learn as much as you can about the bullying tactics used, and when and where the bullying happened. Can your child name other children or adults who may have witnessed the bullying?
                  Empathize with your child. Tell him/her that bullying is wrong, not their fault, and that you are glad he or she had the courage to tell you about it. Ask your child what he or she thinks can be done to help. Assure him or her that you will think about what needs to be done and you will let him or her know what you are going to do.
                  If you disagree with how your child handled the bullying situation, don't criticize him or her.
                  Do not encourage physical retaliation (“Just hit them back”) as a solution. Hitting another student is not likely to end the problem, and it could get your child suspended or expelled or escalate the situation.
                  Check your emotions. A parent's protective instincts stir strong emotions. Although it is difficult, a parent is wise to step back and consider the next steps carefully.
2. Contact your child's teacher or principal.
                  Parents are often reluctant to report bullying to school officials, but bullying may not stop without the help of adults.
                  Keep your emotions in check. Give factual information about your child's experience of being bullied including who, what, when, where, and how.
                  Emphasize that you want to work with the staff t school to find a solution to stop the bullying, for the sake of your child as well as other students.
                  Do not contact the parents of the student(s) who bullied your child. This is usually a parent's first response, but sometimes it makes matters worse. School officials should contact the parents of the child or children who did the bullying.
                  Expect the bullying to stop. Talk regularly with your child and with school staff to see whether the bullying has stopped. If the bullying persists, contact school authorities again.
3. Help your child become more resilient to bullying.
                  Help to develop talents or positive attributes of your child. Suggest and facilitate music, athletics, and art activities. Doing so may help your child be more confident among his or her peers.
                  Encourage your child to make contact with friendly students in his or her class. Your child's teacher may be able to suggest students with whom your child can make friends, spend time, or collaborate on work.
                  Help your child meet new friends outside of the school environment. A new environment can provide a “fresh start” for a child who has been bullied repeatedly.
                  Teach your child safety strategies. Teach him or her how to seek help from an adult when feeling threatened by a bully. Talk about whom he or she should go to for help and role-play what he or she should say. Assure your child that reporting bullying is not the same as tattling.
                  Ask yourself if your child is being bullied because of a learning difficulty or a lack of social skills? If your child is hyperactive, impulsive, or overly talkative, the child who bullies may be reacting out of annoyance. This doesn't make the bullying right, but it may help to explain why your child is being bullied. If your child easily irritates people, seek help from a counselor so that your child can better learn the informal social rules of his or her peer group.
                  Home is where the heart is. Make sure your child has a safe and loving home environment where he or she can take shelter, physically and emotionally. Always maintain open lines of communication with your child.
By the way, if it comes to light that your child is bullying, click here for some very helpful information. 

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